U3A Granite Belt Activities

The following are examples of activities for our
U3A Granite Belt members

Walking Group

The walking group traverses the Stanthorpe region three mornings a week. To join the walking group contact the group facilitator - see page 6 of our newsletter.

Gardening Group

Invited to visit local gardens the gardening group meet regularly to compare gardening challenges and successes. To join the gardening group contact the group facilitator - see page 6 of our newsletter..

Socialising Group

Sometimes it’s all about being together. To join the socialising group contact the group facilitator - see page 6 of our newsletter.

Like to be a facilitator?

We are keen to hear from locals who would like to lead an activity. Perhaps you are a graceful belly dancer, an avid kayaker, a computer geek, or an expert who can provide suggestions for managing legal issues in the latter years…

If you would like to offer your talents please complete the form below.

I would like to facilitate an activity!